Co-International Officer
Rowan Fitton
Pronouns: he/him
Contact: rowan.fitton@youngliberals.uk
Bio: Rowan has been attending events hosted by LYMEC since 2018. Whilst studying in Belfast, Rowan was International Officer for Alliance Youth Northern Ireland. After moving back to Great Britain, he became active once again in the Lib Dems whilst studying for his masters degree in Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding. Rowan has stood as a Lib Dem candidate in the North West of England at both the local and national level. He currently works for a domestic abuse charity in Stockport whilst he looks for funding to study a PhD on the politics of post-conflict peace processes.
Executive Duties:
- Manage relations with the Young Liberals’ international affiliates and the youth wings of liberal political parties across the world;
- Manage relations with groups within the Liberal Democrats with an international agenda;
- Advise the Executive or members on international issues where relevant;
- Coordinate international trips for members, including to events run by international affiliates; and
- Coordinate and support the International Congress Delegates Committee in carrying out its duties.