Welsh Young Liberals - Rhyddfrydwyr Ifanc Cymru
About Us - Amdanom Ni
Who we are, how we work, and what we do
We are the youth and student wing of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, and the Welsh wing of the Young Liberals.
We exist to fight for a fair Wales, free and tolerant based on our own values and principles of liberty and equality. We have a proud history dating back to the early 20th century championing radical and liberal thought.
Today you’ll find Young Liberal branches up and down the country campaigning on issues such as Student Housing, House Building and Youth Engagement in politics. Our branches can be found across Wales; wherever you go there'll be young people fighting to protect the poorest and most vulnerable in our society.
What separates us from the other youth and student groups? Other groups protest while we shape policy and directly present it to our mother party. As active participants in the policy formation process of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, our voices are heard and respected.