Branch Development Fund
The Branch Development Fund is a pot of money available to all accredited Young Liberals branches across the UK.
Do you want to host a fun debate at your university, but find yourself without the money for the drinks and snacks?
Do you want to start a campaign on a local issue, but don't have the money required to print the leaflets and literature?
Do you want to book a venue for some training, but can't afford the fees?
Well, Young Liberals are here to help!
Accredited societies and branches can submit an application for funding. This can be used for all sorts of events to do with membership development, campaigning, or more. Any branch can apply multiple times throughout the year, too - but if competition is stiff you're less likely to be awarded a grant if you've already received money that year.
The fund is perfect for a newly-established society to help get them off their feet, or even for older branches that just want to try something new! In the past, applications have been submitted for:
- Pizza for a start of term social event
- Drinks for the society's first ever "Spirited Discussions"
- Food for a summer beach barbecue
- Leaflets for an on-campus campaign
Interested? Click here to submit your bid!
Not an accredited Young Liberals branch yet? Click here to find out more and sign up!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is there a deadline to apply by?
A: No - applications are open all year round, but the sooner you apply the better!
Q: How do you decide which bids to grant?
A: Bids will be assessed by the Finance Officer. If there are any issues with your bid, they will get in touch as soon as possible.
Bids aimed at membership recruitment, retention or development will be prioritised over others, but don't let that dissuade you!
Q: Is there anything you won't fund?
A: Yes - frivolous trips to Brussels, while encouraged, will not be funded by this fund.
Q: Can I apply if I'm not a member of a Young Liberals accredited branch?
A: No, but the accreditation system is very simple! Just visit our accreditation page. You can pre-apply for accredited status too if you're starting out from scratch.
Q: What if you don't like my bid?
A: If there are any issues, we'll always get in touch rather than just ignore you - if you have any questions about refining your plan, feel free to email the Finance Officer.
Q: How soon can we get the money?
A: Before we give out any money, we need to see receipts and bank details for your society account/designated individual so we can make the payment. We don't have to see original receipts; emailed copies will do just fine. We'll get this payment to you as soon as possible once we have all this information.
Q: I still have questions!
A: Feel free to get in touch with the Finance Officer if there are still any questions unanswered by this comprehensive FAQ!