EYL Representatives
Representatives from EYL to federal YL Committees and English Party Bodies

EYL Representative to YL Elections Committee
Vice-Chair for Elections and Campaigns - Adam Durbaba
Our rep to federal YL Elections Committee, the role of Vice-Chair for Elections and Campaigns (VCEC) is assisting the YL Elections Officers in their role, and working with those in EYL, especially Regional Chairs, holding action days. They are also one of two EYL delegates to attend the monthly English Campaigns Briefing, which is run by HQ to inform main party Regional Chairs of campaigning priorities for the month ahead.

EYL Representative to YL Campaigns and Communications Committee
Vice-Chair for Membership Engagement - Vacant
As VCME, they are EYL Rep to YL's Campaigns and Communications Committee. They will represent the organisation on the committee an assist the YL Communications Officer in their role.

EYL Policy Representative to YL Policy Committee
Policy and Regional Engagement Officer - Tim Macy
As well as sitting on YL Policy Committee, assisting the YL Policy Officer, the EYL Policy and Regional Engagement Officer will sit on the Joint Policy Committee of the Regions (JPC). A sub-committee of the English Council Executive, the JPC is formed of the English Party Rep to FPC and the Policy Officer (or nominated person) from each of the main party regions. This body meets throughout the years to discuss and collaborate on policy at the regional level.

EYL Events Representative to YL Events Committee
Events Representative - Tom Jordan
Sitting on federal YL's Events Committee, the Events Rep is EYL's voice on that committee. The YL Events Officer's portfolio is a big one, and the EYL rep assists the officer in holding two brilliant YL Conferences each year.

EYL Representatives to English Council
The English Young Liberals have 6 representatives to the Party in England's English Council.
The reps for 2025 are:
- Josh Lucas Mitte (ex-officio)
- Lucas North
- Tara Foster
- Timi Jibogu
- Bex Scott
- Vacant